Sunday, October 22, 2017

Pou Enigma

Image may contain: 6 people, people smilingImage may contain: 6 people, people eating, child, drink, outdoor and food

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling

The title is Pou Enigma because this was to be supposed to be our group name but at the moment it is tip top squad.

I think this will be  my last post so i want it to be a remarkable one (chaaar hahaha). Just like the header of my blog, the process of having these guys was something that is puzzling but an awesome one. According to Socrates to be happy means to live a virtuous life and these people help me to be a person living with virtues. Maybe this school year will be the end of having us together in one school but we keep our promises in our hearts not to forget one's essence or importance.

To my Tiptop Fam:

Guuuys I know there will be only 5 percent chance that you can see this post but it's okay because honestly i don't want you to see my wrong grammar hahaha but if ever that you can read this so let it be hahaha. All of you are irreplaceable even though sometimes i can say that it's okay if our group will be separated but it's not really okay. Imagining my life with out you guys is like a diary that has no pen for me to narrate my stories. You help me to create meaningful journey in every chapter of my life and if life gets boring, you are always there to cheer me up and make things an enjoyable one. Thank you for letting me to be part of your life. I will end this message for now because i have no time na hahaha. You already know how thankful I am to have you, I love you and i just want to say na i missed hanging out with you.

                                                                                                 -Accountant in transit

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Jose Rizal Is Jack The Ripper Conspiracy

Jack the Ripper is a serial killer that lived in Whitechapel district London in the year 1888. Jack the Ripper was best known for killing 5 prostitutes around the Whitechapel district, he removed the internal organs of each of his victims thus getting the nickname Jack the Ripper.
However, several conspiracy theorists believed that Jack the Ripper was Jose Rizal. Here's why:
From May 1888-January 1889, Jose Rizal was working at a British library in london. Some people argued that when Jose Rizal left London, the Jack the Ripper killings mysteriously stopped. Jack the Ripper liked to kill women, especially beautiful prostitutes and we all know that Jose Rizal also liked women. Based on autopsy, the mutilation that the prostitutes suffered was done by a medical professional and Jose Rizal was a medical professional himself. It was also noted that Jose Rizal and Jack the Ripper has same initials.

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(c) deep web enigma

Saturday, October 14, 2017

What Could Possibly Await Us in the Afterlife?

Some people choose to believe in the notion of the pearly gates leading to heaven, and that our actions and devotions are judged by a higher power. Others choose to believe that absolutely nothing exists and that death is just an end to an adventure. 

There’s even a theory that when we die we simply spend eternity wandering, lost and alone, through the absolute darkness. Most of our hopes and beliefs regarding the afterlife are based in theology – more than who are willing to admit it question their religions and have wavering faith, trying to live with uncertainty. 

So, what it seems to come down to is that we believe what we would most like to believe. Even if it isn’t a conscious interest or decision. What I would like to believe is that we are all correct. 

Take into consideration what we understand about the energy-based nature of reality and the world around us, that the energy of the astral realm is our foundational reality and all physical structuring is mandated by the principals of energy, including physics. 

Our worlds are subject to control by our thoughts; not even just a positive attitude influencing the course of a day, but even further. For instance, the idea of the Tulsa, a pure energy form or spirit which is willed into life by our thoughts, focus, and obsession. 

In a world where our thoughts have an impact on the energy around us, and our personal outlook changes our overall perception of our surroundings, maybe we have just as much control over our own afterlife.

If we can influence the way we perceive the physical world on a daily basis, and our thoughts have enough power to will entities into existence, maybe we spend every day subconsciously creating the afterlife which we really believe in.

Any psychologist will tell you that we are all quick to lie to ourselves. Having a consciousness (and a conscience) essentially means that you also come equipped with your own, personal, subconscious defenses.

We all have a system of barricades, automatic responses, and various means of self-delusion – some of us have more of a capacity for it than others. 

Beneath this subterfuge, the reality of everything lies partially hidden from our witness. People who are genuinely bad people will be subconsciously aware of their nature, regardless of how they consciously view themselves.

The guilt of repetitive bad actions, intentionally hurting people, negatively influencing lives, will have just as much influence on their section of the eternal energy in the astral realm.

So, a good person who consciously sacrifices for the betterment of the world and those around them would also be influencing their portion of the astral. 

Our subconscious is the scale which weighs our sins, and the goodness of life, all of the positive energy which recycles through our universe and all good intention, is the judge. It is my belief that we will end up, after the fall, in a reality befitting ourselves. 

I don’t judge others on their thoughts or theology because, in my eyes, every one of us is seeing it right. Buddhist beliefs, Christian beliefs, and all other theologies are right. 

What we face when we pass is a creation of our own intentions and expectations. It is my belief that, what we truly believe, is what will come to be.

By Nick Harding, Learning Mind

(c) d collective intelligence

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Lost City of Atlantis Actually Located in Morocco?

Atlantis penetrated not only the literary department of entertainment but also the boobtube and the silver screen. The formula for its success would be the legend that revolves around it. And of course, people like us are always fascinated to anything that has mystery in it. The lost city of Atlantis is considered for some to be nothing more than myth. Just a genius work of art by the Greek philosopher Plato in his works Timaeus and Critias. But lo and behold, one German computer programmer named Michael Hubner claims that the city was indeed real, and to further tickle the kid inside us, he may have discovered its real location.
Atlantis (Ancient Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, "island of Atlas") is a fictional island mentioned within an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's works Timaeus and Critias, where it represents the antagonist naval power that besieges "Ancient Athens", thepseudo-historic embodiment of Plato's ideal state (see The Republic). In the story, Athens was able to repel the Atlantean attack, unlike any other nation of the (western) known world, supposedly giving testament to the superiority of Plato's concept of a state. At the end of the story, Atlantis eventually falls out of favor with the gods and famously submerges into the Atlantic Ocean. - Wikipedia

Hubner gathered data and necessary information from Plato’s writings in the form of clues and descriptions of the city. According to Plato, Atlantis is a total of 51 different attributes which is like the “presence of elephants” and mountains to the north. Hubner then took these intriguing clues and plugged them into a mapping program. His efforts did not disappointed him as it revealed something interesting. 

Hubner was able to know the location of the city. He discovered that it was most likely inland, on the coastline of Morocco. To be more specific, the Souss-Massa plain, which lies about 100 miles south of Marrakesh. This intriguing discovery led him to conclude that Atlantis actually did not sink into the ocean, but rather was destroyed by a massive waves of a tsunami attack. 

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Nostradamus Text Allegedly Predicts The Rise of ISIS and Spark of WWIII

A lot of people probably already knew the famous french prophet Nostradamus and his hair-raising predictions about our mankind. He was often referenced to a lot of dark events that happened throughout the years. And this time, he may have also predicted the rise of ISIS.  Numerous researchers claimed that his reference to a “third and final” anti-Christ coming to power before a 27-year WWIII is a clear reference to our time's most publicized terror group ISIS.

According to the website, the Third World War will begin this year as a result of the West’s struggle with ISIS, and that the world will also come to an end in 2242. The four-verse quatrain listed on the website is said to be the “proof” of the unfolding events in Iraq and Syria.

(Original verse)
Il entrera vilain, meschant, infame,
Tyrannisant la Mesopotamie:
Tous amys faits d’adulterine d’ame,
Tertre horrible noir de phisonomie.
(English translation)
He will enter wicked, unpleasant, infamous,
Tyrannizing over Mesopotamia:
All friends made by the adulterous lady,
Land dreadful and black of aspect.
“An amazing quatrain about Iraq’s ordeal and tyranny in the ongoing sectarian violence, particularly on the aftermath of the 2003 US invasion, the surging of Al-qaeda leading to the organisation of ISIS. “ISIS’ target is Mesopotamia, present day Iraq. ISIS is also the most wealthy terrorist organization in the world, thanks to its numerous contributors. ISIS flag and uniform, black! their combat method infamous and Islamic Sharia law – tyrannical.“ -

The quatrain is said to be that the terror group will enter Mesopotamia or present day Iraq. That He will be villain, mean and infamous, and will tyrannize Iraq. It also tells that they are all made friends as a result of the adulterous lady, the symbol of the consumer society, the rule of money with all of its evil. Nostradamus spelled the last word of the sentence with a double meaning; “d’ame”  which mean “from soul”, but phonetically also “dame” which mean “lady” and in turn could be interpreted as the adulterous lady from the book of Revelation in the Bible. It was claimed that it was intended by Nostradamus as the recent situations happening place in Iraq are fueled by an ultra fundamentalist interpretation of the Islamic Koran. The last sentence also concludes that the predicted land will be dreadful and full of terror. The first word of this sentence “Tertre” means a butte or even a burial site made out of stones depicting the scenery. The US has not much of a control in resolving the current situation. It depends on the Iraqis themselves if they will not allow it to be resolved as soon as possible.

(c) the weird world

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Mysterious Blue Hole: The Portal To Hell

Blue Hole is also known as the “Devil’s Puddle,” the Blue Hole is located on southern New Jersey, The said hole may look majestic but beneath its unusual appearance, there are also creepy mysteries that's associated with it. The legend of Blue Hole says that it is surrounded by a mystical body of water and that's the infamous Jersey Devil’s portal back to hell. The Jersey Devil is a Beastly creature  that's still not scientifically proven to exist but was said to have terrorized New Jersey for the past 270 years. There are no proofs of signs of life in its waters. It was a popular swimming hole to visit years ago but as the creepy encounters other locals reported with the Blue Hole and the Jersey Devil, for locals, the locals stayed away from it and visitors also decreased in numbers since the mysterious pool gained its creepy reputation.

The legendary pool of Blue Hole is said to be the frequent pit stop of the Jersey Devil. It is his means of transportation to our world from where he belongs and that's hell. Locals claims that it is his personal portal to Hell, The blue hole looks so mystic as it is so clear and still as a glass and anyone who did not know about it's eerie background will find the pool to be very inviting.

Locals warns their kids not to go near or even touch the said body of water since there are creepy encounters that will happen to anyone who gets in contact with the pool such as being dragged to hell. There are cases of  mysterious drownings that have been reported as well. While others who claims that they were able to escape the said hole, exclaims that they felt an icy hand pulling them down into the water.

There are some tales of Blue Hole that depicts the pool as a bottomless pit where the water is freezing all year-round, Others claim that the pool has a bottom, that is made of fine “sugar sand.” There are also reports from tourists and locals that they could hear weird and eerie sounds, see unusual flash of light and there are also sightings of ghosts have been reported as well adding to the creepy reputation of the Blue Hole.

(c) the oddity world

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Anitos Might Be Ancient Aliens

Some Words About Anitos

Anitos are the collective name for nature elementals. Pre-Colonial Filipinos worship these idols before the Spaniards came. Pagan tribesmen asked for bountiful harvest and protection against other elementals by worshiping these statues. Are these old pagan figures merely represent unseen elementals? Or are they figures of Ancient Aliens that visited the Philippines thousands of years ago.

Grey Aliens

Grey aliens are the most famous alien race in fiction or in the conspiracy lore. Their distinctive appearance have a profound impact in science fiction. Surprisingly, there is a striking resemblance between the appearance of anitos and Grey aliens. Are these similarities merely coincidental?

Did they somewhat help Pre Hispanic Tribesmen to construct something colossal?  If the Egyptians and Incas got Great Pyramids and Nazca Lines, Filipinos also have an intricate ancient structure. It is the Banaue Rice Terraces, the 8th Wonder of The World. The terraces have an astronomical measurement; The Banaue Rice Terraces's combined length is enough to traverse 1/2 of the planet's Equator.

(c) the oddity world

Pou Enigma

The title is Pou Enigma because this was to be supposed to be our group name but at the moment it is tip top squad. I think this will...