Saturday, September 30, 2017

Nostradamus Text Allegedly Predicts The Rise of ISIS and Spark of WWIII

A lot of people probably already knew the famous french prophet Nostradamus and his hair-raising predictions about our mankind. He was often referenced to a lot of dark events that happened throughout the years. And this time, he may have also predicted the rise of ISIS.  Numerous researchers claimed that his reference to a “third and final” anti-Christ coming to power before a 27-year WWIII is a clear reference to our time's most publicized terror group ISIS.

According to the website, the Third World War will begin this year as a result of the West’s struggle with ISIS, and that the world will also come to an end in 2242. The four-verse quatrain listed on the website is said to be the “proof” of the unfolding events in Iraq and Syria.

(Original verse)
Il entrera vilain, meschant, infame,
Tyrannisant la Mesopotamie:
Tous amys faits d’adulterine d’ame,
Tertre horrible noir de phisonomie.
(English translation)
He will enter wicked, unpleasant, infamous,
Tyrannizing over Mesopotamia:
All friends made by the adulterous lady,
Land dreadful and black of aspect.
“An amazing quatrain about Iraq’s ordeal and tyranny in the ongoing sectarian violence, particularly on the aftermath of the 2003 US invasion, the surging of Al-qaeda leading to the organisation of ISIS. “ISIS’ target is Mesopotamia, present day Iraq. ISIS is also the most wealthy terrorist organization in the world, thanks to its numerous contributors. ISIS flag and uniform, black! their combat method infamous and Islamic Sharia law – tyrannical.“ -

The quatrain is said to be that the terror group will enter Mesopotamia or present day Iraq. That He will be villain, mean and infamous, and will tyrannize Iraq. It also tells that they are all made friends as a result of the adulterous lady, the symbol of the consumer society, the rule of money with all of its evil. Nostradamus spelled the last word of the sentence with a double meaning; “d’ame”  which mean “from soul”, but phonetically also “dame” which mean “lady” and in turn could be interpreted as the adulterous lady from the book of Revelation in the Bible. It was claimed that it was intended by Nostradamus as the recent situations happening place in Iraq are fueled by an ultra fundamentalist interpretation of the Islamic Koran. The last sentence also concludes that the predicted land will be dreadful and full of terror. The first word of this sentence “Tertre” means a butte or even a burial site made out of stones depicting the scenery. The US has not much of a control in resolving the current situation. It depends on the Iraqis themselves if they will not allow it to be resolved as soon as possible.

(c) the weird world

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Mysterious Blue Hole: The Portal To Hell

Blue Hole is also known as the “Devil’s Puddle,” the Blue Hole is located on southern New Jersey, The said hole may look majestic but beneath its unusual appearance, there are also creepy mysteries that's associated with it. The legend of Blue Hole says that it is surrounded by a mystical body of water and that's the infamous Jersey Devil’s portal back to hell. The Jersey Devil is a Beastly creature  that's still not scientifically proven to exist but was said to have terrorized New Jersey for the past 270 years. There are no proofs of signs of life in its waters. It was a popular swimming hole to visit years ago but as the creepy encounters other locals reported with the Blue Hole and the Jersey Devil, for locals, the locals stayed away from it and visitors also decreased in numbers since the mysterious pool gained its creepy reputation.

The legendary pool of Blue Hole is said to be the frequent pit stop of the Jersey Devil. It is his means of transportation to our world from where he belongs and that's hell. Locals claims that it is his personal portal to Hell, The blue hole looks so mystic as it is so clear and still as a glass and anyone who did not know about it's eerie background will find the pool to be very inviting.

Locals warns their kids not to go near or even touch the said body of water since there are creepy encounters that will happen to anyone who gets in contact with the pool such as being dragged to hell. There are cases of  mysterious drownings that have been reported as well. While others who claims that they were able to escape the said hole, exclaims that they felt an icy hand pulling them down into the water.

There are some tales of Blue Hole that depicts the pool as a bottomless pit where the water is freezing all year-round, Others claim that the pool has a bottom, that is made of fine “sugar sand.” There are also reports from tourists and locals that they could hear weird and eerie sounds, see unusual flash of light and there are also sightings of ghosts have been reported as well adding to the creepy reputation of the Blue Hole.

(c) the oddity world

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Anitos Might Be Ancient Aliens

Some Words About Anitos

Anitos are the collective name for nature elementals. Pre-Colonial Filipinos worship these idols before the Spaniards came. Pagan tribesmen asked for bountiful harvest and protection against other elementals by worshiping these statues. Are these old pagan figures merely represent unseen elementals? Or are they figures of Ancient Aliens that visited the Philippines thousands of years ago.

Grey Aliens

Grey aliens are the most famous alien race in fiction or in the conspiracy lore. Their distinctive appearance have a profound impact in science fiction. Surprisingly, there is a striking resemblance between the appearance of anitos and Grey aliens. Are these similarities merely coincidental?

Did they somewhat help Pre Hispanic Tribesmen to construct something colossal?  If the Egyptians and Incas got Great Pyramids and Nazca Lines, Filipinos also have an intricate ancient structure. It is the Banaue Rice Terraces, the 8th Wonder of The World. The terraces have an astronomical measurement; The Banaue Rice Terraces's combined length is enough to traverse 1/2 of the planet's Equator.

(c) the oddity world

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Science Confirms: Faithful Prayers Can Make You Live Longer And Even Fight Cancer

Science Confirms: Faithful Prayers Can Make You Live Longer And Even Fight Cancer

The innovations and great leaps in the field of medicine made human lifespan longer through the years. Thanks to these advances, patients can be cured of many diseases that in the past, claimed countless lives. Other than these advances a strange force can somehow make someone live longer who is suffering from a disease; The power of prayers.

Science Confirms: Faithful Prayers Can Make You Live Longer And Even Fight Cancer

Science even confirmed that faith and positive thinking can make someone live longer and even survive a deadly disease, even cancer. The research that proved the power of prayers and positive thinking became well documented in the late 90's. Carl Sagan's thought provoking book named Demon Haunted World featured the research. It was conducted by Standford University psychiatrists.

Scientists are known critics of faith healing. But it is also interesting to consider the power of prayers and how it might help patients to cope with their diseases up to their recovery. Indeed, the corporate scientific approach in medicine involving synthetic substances works for sick people. Doctors should also cheer up sick people for their faster recovery, because the patient's belief is essential for his/her recuperation too(simply put, a spiritual placebo effect).

(c) the national hub

Saturday, September 2, 2017

5 People Awake For 15 Days: True Story Or Hoax?

We humans, are never contented to whatever we have – an endless search for something unseen. Likewise, to see is to believe. There is something or somewhere to be discovered – we must not stop, they would say. But what if those questions lead you to an incident extremely horrible to the point that reality isn’t real – and darkness seems to devour you.

Are you brave enough to find out? Or you ran as fast as you can and forget that it even crossed your mind?

Going back in year 1940, researchers from Russia orchestrated a scientific experiment involving five political prisoners wherein they gave them gas – based stimulant. Those stimulants had prevented the prisoners to fall asleep – keeping them awake for 15 days.

False hope – that freedom will be given to them upon being tested as a subject. When people promised you something – you tend to believe and imagine the possible things that will occur. And that false hope being held tightly by prisoners led them to insanity.

The Russian Sleep Experiment

The experiment progressed as the days goes by - together with the drastic changes in the prisoners’ behavior. Agony – it was the primary state of the prisoners inside the chambers. Till one day…

The higher authorities ordered the researchers to join the remaining prisoners who withstand the misery behind bars. The researcher dismayed by the order, pointed a gun to a prisoner and said, “I won’t be locked in here with these things! Not with you!”

The prisoner sheepishly smiled and said, “We are you. We are the madness that lives inside you.”
Still dismayed, the researcher pulled the trigger aiming the prisoner’s heart.
“So… nearly… free…” the prisoner whispered.

Leaving the researcher in the chamber – not imprisoned yet seeks to be free.

(c) trending encounter

Pou Enigma

The title is Pou Enigma because this was to be supposed to be our group name but at the moment it is tip top squad. I think this will...